Uploading Template

5.3.1 Uploading Template

Before uploading a template, ensure that a template is downloaded from sites like themeforest.net.
To import a template, follow the steps provided below:

  1. On the left side menu click Email Templates> Templates

  2. Click Upload template
    Note: The downloaded template should be saved in a .zip format; you can see an example of archive to understand how you should format your uploaded archive.

  3. Browse and select the downloaded template (archive file) and click

  4. Click Upload archive to upload the file.
    The uploaded template will be displayed in the content section. A successful message will also be displayed “Your file has been successfully uploaded!”

  5. [OPTIONAL] If the template does not appear click Toggle template builder

  6. To modify the uploaded template
    Note: The template you create with the builder must be modified only using the builder.

    1. Modify the Name and choose a category.

    2. Click Available tags to add any tags to the template like [COMPANY_FULL_ADDRESS], [CAMPAIGN_URL] etc.

    3. To edit the blocks for fonts, image, paragraph, bullets, web links etc. DooxMail provides the editing tool.

Once the template is import you will see the message “The template has been successfully imported!”

You can also have a Preview and Send a text email using this template, by clicking the buttons.

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