4.1.1 Creating Regular Campaign
Regular Email Campaign is a onetime mailer which is sent to all subscribers in the list or on a segment of a list.
A campaign creation has four set of steps, Detail, Setup, Template and Confirmation. You can always go back and update any information at any step.
To create a new campaign follow the steps provided below:
On the left side menu click Campaigns > Regular Campaigns
Click on Create New
To set the information for Detail step do the following
Enter the Campaign Name and Type as Regular
Choose the Group, Group Send, List and Segment
Click Save and next
Note: As long as you save after each completed step or partial step, you can always return later to finish setting up the campaign.
To set the information for Setup step do the following:
Enter the information for Campaign Setup
From Name: Enter a name.
From Email: It is the email sender’s name (default from customer setup) which can be modified to a company name.
Reply To: It is the email sender’s name (default from customer setup) which can be modified to customer service @email.
To name: It has many options. The default is [EMAIL] which means the subscriber’s email address will appear at the top of the email they receive. To make it more personalised click [Available tags] and select a tag from the list. To add more tags to this list see 4.1.1 Creating Regular Campaign.
Subject: Enter a line that all subscribers can see or you can include text with a tag for example; Special Offer Just for [LIST NAME] subscriber. You can also add emojis by clicking on Toggle emoji list.
Enter the information for Campaign Options
Open Statistics: This option helps you to view the statistics on how many emails from the campaign were opened and how many clicks were made from those emails. Other statics such as bounced emails are tracked automatically.
URL Tracking: means the user will be able to view which of the link in their campaign are clicked and how often.
Plain Text Email: means a separate email will be generated which does not include formatting and graphics. This useful for subscribers whose email client does not support or don’t enable HTML and can only render plain text. It does not support links and plain text emails do not get counted in tracking statistics.
Tracking Domain: If you have added the tracking domains in DooxMail you can select it from the list. See 7.2 Tracking Domain to add tracking domain.
Max Subscribers: Set the maximum number of emails that will go out in case user is working with limited system.
Randomize Subscribers: If you are sending a campaign to less than the user’s subscriber list, they can also randomize the list, so that they do not always start from the top of the list.
Email Stats: You can view the email statistics in DooxMail, as well as you can send it via email. Enter the email ID to receive the statistics information to the user themselves or a colleague.
Email stats delay days: You can the days to delay the sending of the second email with campaign stats. First one is sent right after the campaign finishes sending.
Preheader: It provides a short overview of what the email contains.
Forward friend subject: This is for the subject line for the email sent when a subscriber will forward this campaign to a friend.
List/Abuse Header: User can select the required option if you want the list or abuse header.
Show more options
Change subscriber custom field value upon campaign open/sent is used to add custom fields if you later need to segment your list and find out who opened this campaign or who did not. For example if you want to visualize data on how many times a subscriber opens this campaign email. You can set the initial value for each subscriber as “0” and increase this value by 1 for each open. You need to add a custom field for this like a text field “Number of Opens”. To add custom fields see 3.1.3 Adding Subscriber Custom Fields.
In this section click and select the field and field value.-
Field: select it from the custom field which was added
Field Value: Copy and Paste the syntax by clicking for example [INCREMENT_BY_X] and replace X by 1 like this” [INCREMENT_BY_1]”
For field value for all subscribers’ starts at “0”, to increase by “1” each time a subscriber opens the email.
Once this value is set, once the users get the statistics after the campaign is sent, they can easily sort the data to see how many subscribers did not open. They will still have 0 for this field. This way they can see who opened once, twice etc. Users can use the data to create a segment for example; for subscribers who did not read this email you can add them to a new list segment that will receive the email campaign the second time. Users can add additional fields for just date and time.
Actions against subscribers upon campaign open/sent: are for moving or copying subscribers to different lists. For example if you want to create a new list for sales leads and user would add to this list everyone who opened this email campaign.
In this section click and select the field and field value.-
Action: Select the Copy or Move option.
To List: Choose the created “To List”option.
Subscriber’s webhooks upon campaign open: is used when a campaign is opened by a subscriber, send a webhook request containing event data to the given URLs.
In this section click and add the webhook URL. -
Extra tags: this allows you to define extra campaign tags which you might use in the campaign.
Campaign Attachments: You are allowed to upload up to 3 attachments. Each attachment size must be lower than 2 MB.
To add a Campaign Template, do the following:
To Upload a downloaded template;
Click Upload template > Browse File > Click Upload Archive
For more details see 5.3.1 Uploading Template.
To create a template in DooxMail, drag and drop the blocks from the default DooxMail template.
For more details see 5.3.2 Creating New (Drag & Drop Editor). -
Click Save and Next
In the Campaign Verification setup, verify the added information and do the following:
Set the date and time for sending the campaign
Check Advanced Recurring to send the campaign repeatedly.
Max Runs sets the number of times the email will go out at the set frequency. A value of -1, means the email will be sent indefinitely. -
Enable/Disable the timewarp as required and choose the Timewrap Hour and Minute
Click Send Campaign to send out the emails to everyone on the selected email list at the specified time.
You have successfully sent a Campaign!
For more details on sending Campaigns see 4.1.3 Sending Campaigns.